Saturday, December 26, 2009

Makeup Tricks!?

I'm kinda getting tired of the way I do my makeup.

I usually put some natural type of eye shadow on, black mascara on top, and black eyeliner on the innter rims of the bottom.

I want something new and exciting.

but I don't want to look like I'm wearing SO much makeup.

I have brown hair and medium what would look best?Makeup Tricks!?
Well i'm gonna tell you something that will help you out a lot...Take a risk here...figure out where your out with friends, or out with you boyfriend and really try to think what kind of mood are you in .... since your a medium skin tone i'll tell u what shades would be best...

if your going for a...

Dreamy look ; go for a soft plum color for your cheeks...a french vanilla eyeshadow...and a sheer plum on your lips

if your more of an earthy person...u could try a tanish color on cheeks...sage color eyeliner...and a redish color for your lipliner..but make it natural..

Flirty look ; try a tawny peach for your cheeks...a shadow dust in gold for your eyes...nd a liquid lip color in tangerine for your lips .. its not too much and it comes out sexy for those nights you go out with your boyfriend..

Playful ; try a any color blush .. a an eye shadow in jewel blue and a tinted lip gloss

Hope these help..they sure help me and the good thing about it is you don't have to have one routine all the time...basically just go by your mood or where your going .. it really helps in the longrun..Makeup Tricks!?
Well if you have brown eyes, try some purple eyeliner. I tried it and it works great for me. Or if you have blue or green eyes, try blue eyeliner and mascara. Anything looks pretty good with medium skin so don't be afraid. (I have med. skin with brown eyes)
Add just a dash of color!!! Play with your make-up and check out what color will bring out your eyes. Add a bit of blusher to make your skin look more young and healthy, be carefull for to much though!!! My advice to you is, PLAY, PLAY, PLAY then you''ll find someting that works for you!

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