Saturday, December 26, 2009

Anyone know any Makeup Tricks?

im just wondering if anyone knows some makeup tricks.

please be serious..

thank you so much guys!!Anyone know any Makeup Tricks?鈥?/a>

all the makeup tricks you'll need. SIMPLE.Anyone know any Makeup Tricks?
Well firstly i'll give you some advice on what brands and stuff to use.

Really the things you need are:



Face Powder.

Black Eyeliner.

Black Mascara.

Clear/pinkish Lipgloss.


In general the things you should spend the most money on are, Foundation and Mascara. The more expensive they are, the better they will be.

With concealer you can get a cheap concealer stick, and same with eyeliner you can just get a cheap eyeliner pencil. Lipgloss and blush can be cheap and same with facepowder. So it doesn't matter what brand you get of these.

For foundation and mascara, the best brands to get are M-A-C, Rimmel, YSL. Basically the most expesive you can afford.

Here are some general tips on how to apply make up.

Firstly, use a make up primer or moisturiser, this makes the make-up stay better and gives it a good base.

Then after the moisturiser is dry, use a concealer stick and put it under your eyes and on blemishes etc. make sure you rub it in!

Then use a foundation, with the concealer you can get as cheap as you want, but with the foundation you really need to spend as much as you can, aslong as it's not a ridiculous price.

The best foundations you can buy is cream to powder foundations, as they go on like a liquid and give the coverage of a liquid, but they give the finish of a powder.

Either way you need to get a foundation and use a make up spounge to rub it into your face, use enough for a flawless finish, but you can probably tell when its too much. Make sure you rub it into every single bit of your face, and pull back your hair and sweep it into your hair line so it doesn't look fake, also gently sweep it past your jaw line and onto your neck, just so you don't get a really bad make up line on your jaw line.

Then use a powder or mineral make up powder, (don't make it too much of a cheap one)鈥?/a>

The mineral powder is best, but any powder will do and sweep it over your face to give you a perfect finish (you don't have to use too much of this.)

Then if you like, you can get a small neutral/goldish coloured blusher and suck in your face like a fish and lightly sweep the blusher with a blusher brush going up the indented line which comes up when you pull a fish face, (your cheek bone). This gives the effect of high cheek bones and gives a flawless finish. Use any coloured lipgloss or lipstick you like (I think a clear or light pink colour looks best) and with eye make up, I think just simple eyeliner and mascara looks best.

Use a thin line of eyeliner under your eye and then get a mascara (any will do but try and get an expensive one around 拢8 or $14) and comb it through your top and bottom eyelashes, wait for it to try and go over again, so your eyelashes are really long, thick and curvy.

Good Luck and hope I helped :)
Kinda....LOL. If you want a real subtle look, use white eyeliner and clear mascara and a tawny colored eyeshadow and clear lipgloss.
to make your eyes stand out use white eye shadow/eyeliner on the corner of your eyes

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